I finally decided to Register a brand-new Domain & get an Unlimited Linux Hosting from a good Hosting Company!
Who doesn't want a Good Hosting Company!? Yeah, everyone wants it!
So, I did some basic research & found out that "BlueHost" was on top of the list. So I made up my mind & went straight to BlueHost's website, but I found out that they didn't accept any Indian Payment methods that were local e.g. RuPay Debit Cards or Net Banking for Payments!
This was a problem, but then I found out that BlueHost has an 'Indian' version too, I went to https://www.bluehost.in where they were accepting local payment methods!
I signed Up > Registered a Domain > Bought an Unlimited Linux Hosting & Made the Worst Mistake!
The Dashboard sucked 🤮!
Like literally, below is the Dashboard of Bluehost.com

I expected the above Dashboard but the reality was horrible! See Below –

Not only the Dashboard, but the cPanel had issues like I couldn't issue a Let's Encrypt certificate to any of my sites! I couldn't manage any Addon Domain properly too!
In short - This localized version sucked!
But Why!?
The reason was that BlueHost India was not handled by BlueHost Global (US) but by a local company known as Reseller Club.
What Next?
I submitted a ticket for the cancellation of Hosting Package & a Full Refund (30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!). I was actually cancelling the Hosting Package on the 2nd Day!
Note: They do not give Refund if you purchased a WordPress Hosting!
Here's how you can get a Refund if you made the same mistake:
Complete Guide to get Full Refund from BlueHost India!
Received the refund on the 4th Day & instantly went to GoDaddy
, bought the same 'Unlimited Linux Hosting' at a price less than what BlueHost India charged! GoDaddy is a lot better, easy & convenient than BlueHost India!