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Code Apps on Mobile!

Published: July 19, 2017

1 min read

Code Apps on Mobile!

Yepp, that's Right!
You can Code your own Android Apps even if you don't have a PC 😀

You can't only just write code, you can also learn some basics & then advanced lessons too! 😀

This is possible because of AIDE Android App 🙂

But does it work?
Absolutely! I don't have a PC & I made all of my Apps from AIDE 🙂

AIDE is just as same as 'Android Studio' on PC!

You can also use 3rd Party Libraries & Support Libraries in your App Projects to add extra rich features & capabilities like Material Design too 🙂. AIDE also supports managing dependencies via Gradle scripts!

So start learning & coding now - Download AIDE Now

Darshan Pandya