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Node.js on Shared Hosting (Part 1)

Published: January 11, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Node.js on Shared Hosting (Part 1)

If you read my previous blog post, you know I've been experimenting with CDNs & VPS Servers. This time, I wanted to use Node.js on the Hostinger's hosting.

Yeah, the same Cloud Global Plan, but as all the support exec. guys say, you cannot normally use Node.js on a server that does not give you root access. So here's a complete info. about how I installed Node.js on the Cloud Global plan which was not a VPS Server.

Pre-requisites => SSH Access in you cPanel / hPanel.
Enable the SSH Access in the panel & copy the ssh command (should be like: ssh -p PORT userId@IpAddress)

Alrighty then, let's go.

  • Open terminal & paste SSH command.

  • Use command cd ~

  • Type below command and hit Enter -

    wget -qO- | bash
  • Then type the command -

    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
  • Then install node via nvm -

    nvm install node
    nvm use node

    The above steps should show this output -

    nvm install node
despicable minions
Give yourself a pat on the back, you successfully installed Node.js on your Server.

In the next blog post,
I'll show a working example of running a Node.js Express App on the same server.

Darshan Pandya