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Security Review (SIH – AICTE)

Published on: September 17, 2020

Security Review (SIH – AICTE)

I still haven't been able to write a proper blog post about my Smart India Hackathon (SIH) experience.

But yeah, we finally won 🥳.
Then after more than a month, we all received an email from AICTE saying that our SIH Certificates were ready!

sih winners certificate
So I went ahead and downloaded my certificate. Take a look!

But ofc, I ain't writing this post just to show off my achievement!

After downloading the certificate, I crawled through the site in & out and managed to find few vulnerabilities. This post only contains info. about the major one.

  • Time: 5 min approx.
  • Severity of vulnerability: Medium
  • Technique: SQL Injection (Noob level)

The certificate server had receiving endpoints in ?id= format & then this happened –

security review sih aicte 1

As you can see, I'm inside their database and have complete access to all the information. I saved all the data from all the 'tables' in that DB to a csv file to observe more (can't show user info. here) & found all the details of the participants, winners, which team won, which participated, mentor details, evaluator details, etc.

Given few more hours,
I could simply alter the winning and participating teams, their winning status, change mentors, evaluators. Basically, I could create a havoc in their system but rather chose to report the vulnerability.

Final Thoughts:
They already took more than a month to build a certificate distribution server, could've taken a few more weeks to make it a bit more secure.

Darshan Pandya